Irbis Motors, a manufacturer of motor vehicles, presents a new model of the SF150L snowmobile.
The company has been developing its own snowmobiles for more than 7 years, in particular the Dingo model. During these years, the model, under the strict control of the company's specialists, improved and became better, taking a worthy place in the list of budgetary snowmobiles of the Russian market. SF150L took the best of the company's development, all the experience and best practices tested and verified by Dingo
SF150L has a modern design and layout. The structural elements are designed in such a way as to ensure comfortable movement on any snow surface. Heated handles and a gas trigger, a 12-volt power outlet, a panel with all the necessary information, an electric engine start and a backup manual start. Wide and long running boards, a capotated engine, a well-thought-out seat, will allow anyone to take a comfortable landing on a snowmobile. Proven over the years of operation, the engine is 150 cc, accelerates the snowmobile over 40 km per hour through a V-belt variator. Independent front suspension makes it easy to maneuver to keep a confident course. In the presence of reverse gear.
The snowmobile has an extended caterpillar of 3030 mm, specially created by the Russian Composite plant. Tracked unit with rubberized rollers and hardened aluminum slides. Rear suspension with adjustable travel and stiffness. The caterpillar tunnel is made of 1.5 mm steel with reinforcing pads in places of greatest stress
SF 150 L made in Russia.
L Macdonald (Sunday, 12 March 2023 23:42)
I purchaeeda used 2017 T150 without an owner's manual. Could you tell me how to get one... or a service manual.